Chapter 4 Vocab- Learning Abt Children

  1. 1. Found in children of mothers that consumed alcohol.
  2. 6. Withdrawing sample of amniotic fluid.
  3. 8. Inability to conceive a child.
  4. 9. Male Cell.
  5. 11. Longest stage of developing baby.
  6. 13. Egg Cell.
  7. 15. The baby's development.
  8. 18. Tube that connects baby to placenta.
  9. 19. Test uses sound waves to make video of baby.
  1. 2. Substitute mother.
  2. 3. Liquid surrounding baby in uters.
  3. 4. Baby dies after the 20th week of pregnancy.
  4. 5. The process of the sperm fertilizing the ovum.
  5. 7. Threadlike structure in the nucleus of cells.
  6. 10. Baby dies prior to 20th week of pregnancy.
  7. 12. The fertilized egg.
  8. 14. Tissue that connects baby to uterus.
  9. 16. Developing baby from 3-8 week of pregnancy.
  10. 17. Infection caused by a parasite.
  11. 20. Sudden infant death syndrome.