chapter 46-50

  1. 3. What did Stanley’s attorney advise him not to do?
  2. 5. What did the attorney general drive?
  3. 8. What was wrtten on the suitcase?
  4. 9. What did Stanley and Zero eat to no get bitten?
  5. 12. What was the warden considering to do to the kids?
  6. 13. What was in Stanley and Zero’s hole?
  7. 16. What’s the good news for Zero?
  8. 18. Where wood they put the kids’ bodies?
  9. 19. What did the warden say about the suitcase?
  1. 1. What does Zero get for Stanley while he’s digging?
  2. 2. What does A.G stand for?
  3. 4. What happend to camp green lake?
  4. 5. What did Stanley’s father get at the end of the book?
  5. 6. What did Zero day to the warden when he left the camp?
  6. 7. Who’s Stanley’s attorney?
  7. 10. What did Mr.Sir start to do?
  8. 11. What did Stanley and Zero find in the hole?
  9. 14. How many lizards where in the hole?
  10. 15. What was the warden looking for?
  11. 17. What is the brand of Stanley the third’s product?