Chapter 5- Consciousness

  1. 4. Drug category that includes alcohol.
  2. 6. drugs that slow neural activity temporarily and lessen pain.
  3. 7. Time of day that teenagers think and remember best.
  4. 9. Large marsupial
  5. 10. The content of a dream. What takes place during the dream.
  6. 12. hallucinogen first used by Alert Horman.
  7. 13. waves that show on EEG during stages 3 and 4 of sleep cycle.
  8. 14. that "speed up"neural activity.
  9. 16. A dream where the dreamer is aware that he(she) is dreaming.
  10. 18. that inhibits short term memory to convert into long term memory.
  11. 19. Man's best friend
  12. 20. The meaning of the dream.
  13. 21. Highly addictive drug that is legal and is inhaled.
  14. 22. Dependence when a person continues a drug to avoid withdrawal.
  15. 24. stage of sleep where most vivid dreams occur.
  16. 25. Also known as tranquilizers.
  17. 26. Has a trunk
  18. 29. Likes to chase mice
  1. 1. Time of day elderly think and remember best
  2. 2. Dependence when a person continues drug use to avoid emotions.
  3. 3. that is affected by cocaine use.
  4. 5. terror/ dreams where the person wakes up with terrible feelings of being terrified, and are often screaming for no reason.
  5. 8. Sleep disorder where a person falls asleep for no reason at random times.
  6. 11. Apnea/ Disorder characterized when a person stops breathing repetitively in one night.
  7. 15. Most common sleep disorder.
  8. 17. Biological rhythm that occurs once every 24 hours.
  9. 23. Drug that causes a rush of euphoria.
  10. 25. Flying mammal
  11. 27. jerk/ Occur during stage 1 of sleep.
  12. 28. Active ingredient in marijuana.