Chapter 5 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. French Canadian capital
  2. 4. important power held by colonial assemblies
  3. 8. British minister intent on balancing the books
  4. 12. "first blood" of the Revolution
  5. 16. tax on goods produced and consumed in the colonies
  6. 17. took Louisbourg and Quebec for the British
  7. 20. site of congress promoting colonial unity
  8. 22. "Farmer in Pennsylvania"
  9. 23. war that ended in 1763
  10. 24. French commander in the French and Indian War
  11. 26. taxed along with molasses and coffee
  12. 27. queen after whom a war was named
  13. 28. led French Canadians during King William's War
  1. 1. fort at the Forks of the Ohio
  2. 3. law subjecting colonies to a standing army in peacetime
  3. 5. proposed the Albany Plan
  4. 6. declared, "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
  5. 7. British prime minister with a plan to with the French and Indian War
  6. 9. French territory later given to Spain
  7. 10. Virginia colonel who surrendered Fort Necessity
  8. 11. French priest who paddled far down the Mississippi
  9. 13. forbade settlement beyond the Appalachians
  10. 14. 1763 treaty that changed the face of North America
  11. 15. site of the battle for Quebec
  12. 18. his "Acts" brought angry reactions from the colonists
  13. 19. half of French exploring duo
  14. 21. cut a road for his troops but was killed in battle
  15. 25. claimed Louisiana for France