Chapter 5, Populations

  1. 1. The movement of individuals out of an area, can cause a population to decrease in size
  2. 4. These activities such as deforestation,damming rivers and using resources, are a limiting factor.
  3. 7. this relationship is the regulation of a population by predation, and example are the wolf and moose population in Isle Royale.
  4. 8. The largest amount of individuals an environment can support and the number the population hits when it reaches logistic growth
  5. 10. This limiting factor affects all populations in similar ways regardless of population size, some examples are unusual weather, and natural disaster
  6. 12. Number of individuals per unit area
  7. 13. A factor that causes population growth to decrease, such as competition,Predation, Disease or natural disasters
  1. 2. The movement of individuals into a given area
  2. 3. when animals compete with each other for food
  3. 5. Take nourishment in expense to their host, limit the growth of the population, and range in size from microscopic to 30cm+ in length
  4. 6. This type of growth occurs when a populations growth slows or stops following a period of exponential growth
  5. 9. This limiting factor becomes limiting only when the population density reaches a certain level.These include competition, predation, parasitism and disease.
  6. 11. This type of growth occurs when the individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate, and continually.