Chapter 5 puzzle Tanner Buckland, Dashaw Kay

  1. 3. corridors natural strips that allow the migration of
  2. 4. blocks ultraviolet radiation
  3. 7. variety of life in an area
  4. 8. biology the study methods to protect biodiversity
  5. 10. an organism that is held by people
  6. 11. from one area to another.
  7. 12. species not native to a particular area
  1. 1. species decline of a species rapidly.
  2. 2. once lived.
  3. 3. degradation damage to a habitat by pollution
  4. 5. precipitation (ex. rain, snow, sleet, fog) with low pH values
  5. 6. programs release organisms into an area were their
  6. 9. disappearance of a species
  7. 12. effect different conditions around an ecosystem