Chapter 5: The Periodic Table

  1. 4. Mendeleev looked for these as he grouped elements
  2. 5. This group and the alkali metals are most reactive
  3. 7. each element wants its outer electron level
  4. 9. metals that form 2+ ions
  5. 11. element with 2,8,8,2 electrons in its 4 levels
  6. 13. This element would have similar properties with Li
  7. 15. electrons in the outer level
  1. 1. groups or families are found in ___ columns
  2. 2. a row on the periodic table
  3. 3. Today’s PT is organized by this
  4. 6. Mendeleev predicted this element's existence
  5. 8. Elements in ___ have similar properties
  6. 10. Negatively charged ion
  7. 12. element that doesn't belong to any group
  8. 14. ____ or losing electrons allows ions to form