Chapter 5 Vocab - Troy Turner & Garrett Arms

  1. 2. A specialized vocabulary shared and understood by members of particular occupational groups.
  2. 6. How meaning is created by the rules we use to manage talk and create our social realities.
  3. 9. Words based on sense data.
  4. 13. Rules refer to what symbols or words mean.
  1. 1. Refers to "making meaning" and is coordinated by the rules we use to manage talk and create our social realities.
  2. 3. Occurs when we believe it's possible to know everything about a person, place, or thing and we draw conclusions based on evidence that is unsufficient and biased.
  3. 4. Rules that specify how symbols are arranged.
  4. 5. Concept that refers to levels of specificity in language. In general, highly connotative words also tend to be highly abstract.
  5. 7. Words or phrases that are used with specific meaning in particular language and culture.
  6. 8. Talking about people (rather than talking against them).
  7. 10. Meaning that is emotional, personal, and that engenders disagreement.
  8. 11. Replace words associated with unpleasant and negative connotations with those associated with pleasant or nuetral connotations.
  9. 12. Meaning that is considered to be "correct" and that is found in dictionaries.
  10. 13. A specialized vocabulary shared by people with similar expiriences and interests.
  11. 14. Refers to the idea that coherence and coordination are arbitrary and are created by language; the words we use not only create and name things in our expirience of reality but also limit them and can make them invisible.