Chapter 5 Vocabulary

  1. 2. crime punishable by more than one year in jail, a fine of more than $1,000, or both
  2. 4. agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime
  3. 5. improperly obtaining money or other things value by use of force, fear, or the power of office
  4. 7. agreement with prosecutor allowing defendant to plead guilty to a lesser crime than the more serious one he or she would likely be charged with
  5. 10. offense against society
  6. 14. defense based on problems with the way evidence is obtained or the way the accused person is arrested, questioned, tried, or punished
  7. 15. crime punishable by up to one year in jail, a fine of less than $1,000 or both
  8. 17. willful or illegal burning of a building
  9. 18. minor misdemeanor
  10. 21. laws that prohibit competing companies from price fixing or diving up sales regions
  11. 23. of court, action that hinders the administration of justice in court
  12. 24. defenses that disprove, justify, or otherwise excuse the alleged crime
  13. 26. penalty provided by law and imposed by a court
  1. 1. wrongful taking of another’s property from their person or presence by threat of force or violence
  2. 3. entering a building without permission when intending to break a crime
  3. 4. defense based on the accused’s inability to know right from wrong
  4. 6. obtaining property by lying about a past or existing fact
  5. 8. substituted criminal liability
  6. 9. crime typically committed in the workplace that does not involve violence or force nor does it cause injury to people or physical damage to property
  7. 11. use of force that appears reasonably necessary for self-protection of an intended victim
  8. 12. crime of lying under oath
  9. 13. taking of another’s property or money by a person to whom it has been entrusted
  10. 16. specific conduct that violates a criminal statute
  11. 19. at criminal law, a legal position that allows the defendant to escape criminal liability
  12. 20. offering or giving something of value to improperly effect performance of another party
  13. 22. falsely making or materially altering a writing to defraud another
  14. 25. freedom from prosecution for a crime