Chapter 5 Vocabulary

  1. 1. This is the scientific study of human populations_______________?
  2. 3. The larger a population gets the faster it grows, this process is also known as ___________________?
  3. 4. This occurs when a populations growth slows and then stops, following a period of exponential growth otherwise known as_______________________?
  4. 5. This is the maximum number of individuals of a particular species that a particular environment can support otherwise known as_______________________?
  5. 6. Unusual weather and natural disasters such as hurricanes,drought, floods, and wildfires all may act like these__________.
  6. 9. A population may grow if individuals move into its range from elsewhere, this is known as____________?
  7. 10. factor These are factors that control the growth of a population called ______________?
  8. 11. A population may decrease in size if individuals move out of the population range, this process is called______________?
  1. 1. This is a dramatic change from high birthrates and death rates to low birthrates and death rates_____________?
  2. 2. These are factors that include competition, predation, herbivory, parasitism, disease, and stress form overcrowding known as_________?
  3. 7. This is the number of individuals per unit also knows as______________?
  4. 8. The number of males and females of each age a population contains is known as________________?