Chapter 6

  1. 1. fears
  2. 5. near, close to
  3. 6. among, between
  4. 7. carries
  5. 9. however
  6. 11. (m.) friend
  7. 12. to
  8. 14. how
  9. 15. road
  10. 17. bag, wallet
  11. 20. through
  12. 21. from where?
  13. 23. tired
  14. 24. enemy
  15. 26. so
  16. 27. before
  17. 30. to where?
  18. 31. walks
  19. 32. carries, transports
  1. 2. enters
  2. 3. long
  3. 4. litter, couch
  4. 6. goes
  5. 7. gate
  6. 8. with, among, at
  7. 9. away from
  8. 10. bad, evil
  9. 13. twelve
  10. 16. wall
  11. 18. around
  12. 19. shoulder
  13. 20. after
  14. 22. they go
  15. 24. and so
  16. 25. (f.)friend
  17. 28. for
  18. 29. horse