Chapter 6 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Resolutions on the Stamp Act
  2. 5. Commander of Royal Army
  3. 7. War over Ohio river valley
  4. 9. Providing local forums for debate
  5. 14. Punishing Massechusetts for destroying tea
  6. 15. Grenville's inspired solution
  1. 1. Britain's prime minister in 1757
  2. 3. Didn't withstand the Atlantic stretch
  3. 4. Renewal of commitment
  4. 6. Mobilized resistance to Stamp Act
  5. 8. Parliament's right to legislate colonies
  6. 10. Washington formed this in 1747
  7. 11. Signed in 1763
  8. 12. 27 delegates representing nine colonies
  9. 13. Settling west is forbidden