Chapter 6 Digestive System

  1. 3. is splitting and scaling of the lips and angles of the mouth
  2. 4. is the mouth (area between teeth and cheeks)
  3. 8. means liver
  4. 9. refers to difficulty in swallowing
  5. 12. is dental pulp
  6. 15. is endoscopy of esophagus, stomach, & duodenum
  7. 16. refers to inflammation of the small intestine
  8. 17. is a visual examination of the pylorus with an endoscope
  9. 18. means instrument used for viewing
  10. 19. is a burning sensation of the tongue
  1. 1. means mouth
  2. 2. means the tissue investing and supporting the teeth
  3. 5. is improper position of the teeth resulting in resulting in the faulty meeting of the jaw
  4. 6. means enlargement
  5. 7. means excessive, above normal
  6. 10. refers to increased sugar in the blood and is a sign of Diabetes Mellitus
  7. 11. stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease
  8. 13. is incision (cutting into) the duodenum
  9. 14. means gallbladder