Chapter 6: Greece- A Drama in Two Acts

  1. 2. Greeks defeated the Persians for good
  2. 4. the first place of battle that Persians tried to conquerod the greeks
  3. 7. Spartan greek king, ruled Sparta
  4. 10. king of the greek gods
  5. 12. government ruled by one
  6. 14. earliest civilization in Greece
  1. 1. minoans palace
  2. 3. greek hilltop fortress
  3. 5. greek cities/villages joined together to form city-states
  4. 6. the center of the Minoans civilization
  5. 8. games sport event held by the greeks every 4 years
  6. 9. greek marketplace where goods were sold and held political debate
  7. 11. Olympus where Greeks thought the greek gods lived
  8. 13. blind poet that influenced Greece, known for Greek Mythology