Chapter 6 Medical Terminology

  1. 3. The lower, posterior portions of the pelvis
  2. 4. The point where 2 bones come together
  3. 7. The top,back, and sides of the head
  4. 9. Wrist bones
  5. 10. Shoulder blade
  6. 12. Chest
  7. 14. The superior and widest portion of the pelvis
  8. 16. Breastbone
  9. 19. Nose bones
  10. 20. Kneecap
  1. 1. The 33 bones of the spinal column
  2. 2. The lateral and smaller bone of the lower leg
  3. 5. The large bone of the thigh
  4. 6. The basin-shaped bony structure that supports the spine
  5. 8. The lateral bone of the forearm
  6. 11. The collar bone
  7. 13. The bony structures around the eyes; eye sockets
  8. 15. The medial anterior portion of the pelvis
  9. 17. Ankle bones
  10. 18. The medial and larger bone of the lower leg