Chapter 6 Puzzle

  1. 3. How many directions is force measured in?
  2. 4. Energy forms combined.
  3. 5. Cannot be created or destroyed.
  4. 6. Energy measurement per second is measured in _______.
  5. 7. Device that multiplies forces or manipulates them in some way.
  6. 8. 1/2 Mass X Speed^2.
  7. 11. Energy is measured in _________.
  8. 13. Energy waiting to go into motion.
  1. 1. Work done / Energy used.
  2. 2. Weight X Height.
  3. 8. Energy in motion.
  4. 9. The law of ____________ of Energy says it cannot be created or destroyed.
  5. 10. Force X Distance.
  6. 12. Work done / Time interval.