Chapter 6 Terms

  1. 2. a type of immunity that protects the body against a particular disease that is invading the body at a given time.
  2. 5. a clear yellowish fluid that carries disease-fighting cells called lymphocytes.
  3. 7. a form of diabetes associated with pregnancy.
  4. 9. natural sugar.
  5. 10. a protein made by the body to protect against foreign substances.
  6. 12. to narrow.
  7. 13. group of tissues that provides movement of body parts, protection of organs, and creation of body heat.
  8. 15. the place at which two bones meet.
  9. 16. a chemical substance created by that body that controls body functions.
  10. 17. immunity a type of immunity that protects the body from disease in general.
  11. 20. group of cells that performs a similar task.
  1. 1. the condition in which all of the body’s systems are balanced and are working together to maintain internal stability.
  2. 3. part of the nervous system made up of the nerves that extend throughout the body.
  3. 4. structural unit in the human body that performs a specific function.
  4. 6. a natural protective covering
  5. 8. the part of the nervous system that is composed of the brain and spinal cord.
  6. 11. the process of inhaling air into the lungs and exhaling air out of the lungs.
  7. 13. physical and chemical processes by which substances are broken down or transformed into energy or products for use by the body.
  8. 14. a condition in which the pancreas produces too little insulin or does not properly use insulin.
  9. 18. basic structural unit of the body that divides, develops, and dies, renewing tissues and organs.
  10. 19. to widen.