Chapter 6

  1. 2. the constitutional clause affirming that the Constitution and federal laws are the supreme law of the land
  2. 3. the plan of government of the United States, drafted by the Constitutional Convention in 1787 to replace the Articles of Confederation
  3. 5. the system by which each branch of the federal government can limit, or check, the power of the others
  4. 6. the division of government power into executive, legislative, and judicial branches
  5. 9. a power that the Constitution delegates, or grants, to Congress and therefore to the national government
  6. 10. to charge a government official with an offense committed while in office
  7. 11. the compromise reached during thsentation in Congress, with each state represented equally in the Senate and with representation in the House based on state population
  8. 13. the constitutional clause that gives Congress authority to "make all laws which shall be necessary and proper" to carry out its powers
  9. 14. the nation's first constitution
  10. 16. a power that the Constitution delegates, or grants, to Congress but does not deny to the states
  11. 17. the division of power between the federal and state governments
  12. 18. the legislative branch of the federal government, consisting of the Senate and House of Representatives
  13. 20. a lawmaking body made up of two houses
  14. 22. the power of the Supreme Court to review an action of the legislative or executive branch and declare it unconstitutional
  1. 1. a body made up of electors from each state who cast votes to elect the president and vice president
  2. 4. a power that the Constitution does not delegate to Congress or deny to the states and is therefore reserved to the states or the people
  3. 5. convention held in Philadelphia in 1787 to draft the Constitution of the United States
  4. 7. the president and the head of the executive branch
  5. 8. a court decision used as a guideline in deciding similar cases
  6. 12. the first part of the Constitution, which states the purposes of the new plan of government
  7. 15. a tax on imported goods
  8. 19. he federal court system, consisting of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts
  9. 21. the approval of a plan of government or of a constitutional amendment