Chapter 6

  1. 1. where light enters the eye through an opening in the center of the iris
  2. 9. that area in visual space that excites or inhibits it
  3. 14. stimulation from both eyes
  4. 15. the stream through the temporal cortex, the “what” pathway
  5. 17. a part of the thalamus, where most ganglion axons go
  6. 18. the discrepancy between what the right and left eyes see
  7. 19. the rear surface of the eye that is lined with visual receptors
  8. 20. neurons with larger cell bodies and receptive fields, distributed equally throughout the retina
  1. 2. inability to recognize faces
  2. 3. the theory that we perceive color in terms of opposites
  3. 4. the theory proposing that we see color through three kinds of cones that are each more sensitive to a different color
  4. 5. these cells do not respond to the exact location of a stimulus, but rather to a pattern of light in a particular orientation
  5. 6. the blurring of vision for lines in one direction
  6. 7. tiny area specialized for acute and detailed vision
  7. 8. also known as area V1 or the striate cortex
  8. 10. the reduction of activity in one neuron by activity in neighboring neurons
  9. 11. have small cell bodies and small receptive fields, are mostly in or near the fovea
  10. 12. a cell with a receptive field with fixed excitatory and inhibitory zones
  11. 13. the stream through parietal cortex, the “where” pathway
  12. 16. the theory that the cortex compares information from parts of the retina to determine the brightness and color for each area