Chapter 7 PSY 278 Dr. Lewis

  1. 2. the activity of knowing and the processes through which knowledge is acquired
  2. 4. a logical operation that allows a person to mentally order a set of stimuli along a quantifiable dimension such as height or weight
  3. 7. a cognitive structure or organized pattern of action or thought used to deal with experiences
  4. 8. the ability to recognize the necessary or logical relations among elements in a serial order
  5. 10. in Piaget's theory, the ability to reverse or negate an action by mentally performing the opposite action
  6. 11. the ability to focus on two or more dimensions of a problem at one time
  7. 12. in Piaget's cognitive developmental theory, a person's inborn tendency to adjust to the demands of the environment, consisting of the complementary processes of assimilation and accommodation
  8. 14. in Piaget's cognitive developmental theory, the process of modifying existing schemes to incorporate or adapt to new experiences
  1. 1. in Piaget's theory, the tendency to focus on only one aspect of a problem when two or more aspects are relevant
  2. 3. the tendency to view the world from the person's own perspective and fail to recognize that others may have different points of view
  3. 5. in Piaget's theory, the process of seeking a state of mental stability in which our thoughts (schemes) are consistent with the information we receive from the external world
  4. 6. to separate the demands of a task at hand from prior beliefs and knowledge
  5. 9. Jerome Bruner's term for providing structure to a less skilled learner to encourage advancement
  6. 13. the recognition that certain properties of an object or substance do not change when its appearance is altered in some superficial way
  7. 15. in Piaget's cognitive developmental theory, a person's inborn tendency to combine and integrate available schemes into more coherent and complex systems or bodies of knowledge
  8. 16. Piaget's term for the process by which children interpret new experiences in terms of their existing schemata