Chapter 7 Skeletal System Vocabulary

  1. 1. Either end of a long bone
  2. 8. The spinal cord that consists of vertebrae
  3. 10. Branching bony plate that separates irregular spaces within spongy bone
  4. 11. Movement of a part towards the back
  5. 16. A bone with a long longitudinal axis and expanded ends
  6. 17. Production of blood cells from dividing stem and progenitor cells
  7. 18. Shaft of a long bone
  8. 19. A series of flat bones that enclose the chest cavity
  9. 22. The triangular bone in the lower back formed from fused vertebrae
  10. 23. Saclike, fluid-filled cushioning structure, lined with a synovial membrane, near a joint
  11. 25. One of the bones making up the hip bone
  12. 26. Mature bone cell
  13. 29. Basin-shaped structure formed by the sacrum and hip bones
  14. 30. The bone that is attached to the end of the sacrum and is composed of four fused vertebrae
  15. 31. Turning the plantar surface of the foot outward, away from the midline
  16. 32. Upward or forward rotation of the palm
  17. 33. The cranium and the facial bones
  1. 2. Movement increasing the angle between bones at a joint
  2. 3. Connective tissue in spaces in bones
  3. 4. Movement of a body part away from the midline
  4. 5. Membranous region between certain developing cranial bones in the skull of a fetus or infant
  5. 6. Downward or backward rotation of the palm
  6. 7. Dense connective tissue covering the surface of a bone
  7. 9. The shoulder blades
  8. 12. Turning the plantar surface of the foot inward, toward the midline
  9. 13. Bone-forming cell
  10. 14. Fibrocartilage that separates the articulating surfaces of bones in the knee
  11. 15. Movement of a body part toward the midline
  12. 20. Pertaining to the ankle or any of the individual ankle bones
  13. 21. Forward movement of a body part
  14. 24. Movement decreasing the angle between bones at a joint
  15. 27. The bony part of the skull that encloses the brain
  16. 28. The organ system that includes the bones