Chapter 7 Vocabulary

  1. 8. a 1787 article that set up a government for the Northwest Territory, guaranteed basic rights to settlers,and outlawed slavery there
  2. 9. written list of freedoms that a government promises to protect
  3. 10. a document that sets out the laws, principles, organization, and processes of a government
  4. 11. supporter of the Constitution, who favored a strong federal, or national, government
  5. 12. the right that no person can be held in prison without first being charges with a specific crime
  6. 14. a 1786 revolt in Massachusetts led by farmers in reaction to high taxes
  7. 15. plan at the Constitutional Convention, favored by larger states, that called for a strong national goverenment with three branches and a two-chamber legislature
  8. 16. agreement at the Constituional Convention that three fifths of the slaves in any state be counted in his population
  9. 19. first American constitution, passed in 1777, which created a loose alliance of 13 independent states
  10. 20. plan at the Constitutional Convention that settled the differences between large and small states
  11. 21. law setting up a system for settling the Northwest Territory
  12. 22. branch of government that passes laws
  1. 1. plan at the Constitutional Convention, favored by smaller states, that clled for three branches of government with a single-chamber legislature
  2. 2. branch of government that decides if laws are carried out fairly
  3. 3. signed in 1215, a British document that contains two basic ideas: Monarchs themselves have to obey the laws, and citizens have basic rights
  4. 4. people who opposed the Constitution and a strong national government
  5. 5. first ten amendments to the United States Constitution
  6. 6. principle by which the powers of government are divided among separate branches
  7. 7. gathering of state representatives on May, 25 1787, to revise the Articles of Confederation
  8. 13. James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and other leaders who laid the groundwork for the United States
  9. 17. branch of government that carries out laws
  10. 18. series of essays by Federalists James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay in support of ratifying the Constitution