Chapter 7 Vocabulary - Canada

  1. 2. Canada's 2nd largest city & one of the largest French speaking cities in the world
  2. 6. an important international waterway that links the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean
  3. 7. region of rocky uplands, lakes, & swamps; contains many mineral deposits
  4. 10. a spectacular waterfall that flows between Lake Erie & Lake Ontario
  5. 11. softened wood fibers
  6. 12. Canadian province on the Atlantic coast
  7. 14. means on or near the sea
  1. 1. administrative divisions of a country
  2. 3. large fishing area near Newfoundland & Labrador
  3. 4. Canadian province on the Pacific coast
  4. 5. the strong connection that people feel toward the region in which they live
  5. 8. cheap paper used mainly for newspapers
  6. 9. large Canadian city on the Pacific coast. Its location makes trade with Asia easy
  7. 13. Canada's national capital; city is known for its grand government buildings & parks