Chapter 7/8 Vocabulary

  1. 4. a person who searches for wisdom or enlightenment
  2. 7. the territory governed by an official known as a satrap
  3. 9. a Persian religion based on the belief of one god
  4. 10. a play or film in which characters fail to overcome serious problems
  5. 12. a branch of mathematics about measurement and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids in three-dimensional space
  6. 13. a sacred shrine where a priest or priestess spoke for a god or goddess
  7. 14. a piece of land nearly surrounded by water
  8. 15. Greek teachers of philosophy, reasoning, and public speaking
  9. 16. philosophical method of questioning to gain truth
  10. 19. a branch of mathematics centered around measurement and relationships of points, lines, angles, and surfaces of figures on a plane
  1. 1. a Greek city-state
  2. 2. the art of public speaking and debate
  3. 3. words or actions that are part of a religious ceremony
  4. 5. a form of democracy in which citizens elect officials to govern on their behalf
  5. 6. the philosophy of the Stoics who believed that people should not try to feel joy or sadness
  6. 8. an absolute ruler unrestrained by law; harsh ruler
  7. 11. the governor of a province in ancient Persia
  8. 17. tradition: the custom of passing along stories by speech
  9. 18. a group of armed foot soldiers in ancient Greece arranged close together in rows