Chapter 7B (Infancy&HiddenLife/FatherandIOne/Miracles

  1. 1. These Gospels recount Christ's birth
  2. 5. Jesus' life until His Baptism had been this
  3. 8. How long was Lazarus in the tomb?
  4. 10. Deniers of His miracles say the illnesses were just in people's _____
  5. 11. He ruled Galilee after his father's death
  6. 13. Herod even killed ____ _________ ________
  7. 14. Jesus' claim to be God had to be this
  8. 15. 'The Son of Man is master of the _________'
  1. 2. Hypnotism could never cause this
  2. 3. A Roman governor was called this
  3. 4. He became emperor after Augustus Caesar
  4. 6. Jesus claimed to ___________
  5. 7. How many did Christ raise from the dead?
  6. 9. The Jews did this when Jesus claimed to be God
  7. 12. Before this man was ever born, Jesus claimed 'I am'.