chapter 8

  1. 4. cell fragments for blood clotting
  2. 5. combining form for juice
  3. 8. protein iron compound in RBCs
  4. 9. combining form for clot
  5. 10. the blood transports_____ into the cells
  6. 13. injection of a serum containing antibodies
  7. 16. erythrocytes are a ____
  8. 19. combining form for color
  9. 20. placenta to fetus antibodies
  10. 23. immunity from foreign antibodies
  11. 24. causes a formation of antibodies against it
  12. 26. combining form for bone marrow
  13. 28. cells of the immune system
  14. 30. combining form for form
  1. 1. combining form for clear fluid
  2. 2. carries____ away from digestive organs
  3. 3. combining form for net
  4. 6. combining form for eat
  5. 7. destroys an antigen
  6. 11. immunity when an infection develops
  7. 12. combining form for germ or bud
  8. 14. combining form for thymus
  9. 15. immunity when a vaccine is given
  10. 17. the blood carries_____ away from the cells
  11. 18. blood also contains ____
  12. 21. immunity when the body produces its own antibodies
  13. 22. combining form for splen
  14. 25. leukocytes are a ____
  15. 27. ____ filters microorganisms and foreign particles
  16. 29. combining form for blood
  17. 31. combining form for formation