Chapter 8 Covalent Bonding

  1. 8. the relative ability of an atom to attract electrons in a chemical bond
  2. 9. type of bond where the electrostatic force that holds oppositely charged particles together in an ionic compound
  3. 10. forms when parallel orbitals overlap and share electrons
  4. 11. type of reaction when more energy is released during product bond formation than is required to break bonds in the reactants.
  5. 13. type of bond that results from sharing valence electrons
  6. 14. region around an atom's nucleus that defines an electron's probable location
  7. 16. type of reaction that occurs when a greater amount of energy is required to break the existing products
  8. 19. the force that holds two atoms together
  1. 1. one of the most useful molecular models
  2. 2. type of covalent bond that forms when one atom donates both the electrons to be shared with an atom or ion that needs two electrons
  3. 3. an acid that contains both a hydrogen atom and oxyanion
  4. 4. single covalent bonds
  5. 5. model used to determine the molecular shape
  6. 6. they can represent the arrangement of electrons in a molecule
  7. 7. process in which atomic orbitals mix and form new, identical hybrid orbitals
  8. 12. condition that occurs when more than one valid Lewis structure can be written for a molecule or ion.
  9. 15. a polyatomic ion in which an element is bonded to one or more oxygen atoms
  10. 17. when two or more atoms bond together covalently
  11. 18. unequal sharing results in this type of bond