Chapter 8 Crossword

  1. 1. one of the inner planets
  2. 4. the type of star the sun will turn into
  3. 8. the reason other planets arent habitable
  4. 9. name of our galaxy
  5. 12. Iron sunk to the middle of the planet and lighter minerals
  6. 14. the lines that go horizontal on the globe
  7. 17. what controls the tide on earth
  8. 18. how the moon was made
  9. 19. the scientist that helped find the origins of life
  10. 20. the name of small planets
  11. 22. how to find the age of the earth
  12. 23. in how long the sun will turn into red giant
  13. 24. when the universe first started
  14. 26. what the earths core is made of
  1. 2. planet with rings around it
  2. 3. the name of what the earth was when it was first made
  3. 5. the lines that go vertical on the globe
  4. 6. one of the reasons how the ocean got formed
  5. 7. how long ago was the first surface of the earth made
  6. 10. name of the dwarf planets
  7. 11. age of the oldest fossils
  8. 13. lasted 50-70 million years
  9. 15. what makes a magnetic field around the earth
  10. 16. Ocean where life first arose
  11. 21. Early steps of organisms forming from organic building blocks
  12. 25. what is the sun