- 1. A state without a direct outlet to the sea. It depends on neighbors for imports and exports.
- 3. what fits the definition "Manipulate the boundaries of an electoral constituency so as to favor one party or class"
- 5. where are unitary states most common
- 6. what is one participate in the security council
- 8. A political boundary that separates different cultures
- 9. A condition of roughly equal strength between opposing alliances
- 13. independence from the control of its internal affairs by other states.
- 16. what does England control of India give an example of?
- 17. A territory that is legally tied to a sovereign state rather than being completely independent
- 18. what has the purpose of being a military alliance for 16 democratic states
- 19. what is one of the states that joined the "superpowers" based on economic success
- 2. A example of a landlocked state, starts with an A
- 4. an example of a relic boundary
- 7. what is one characteristic of a frontier
- 10. control of a territory already occupied
- 11. what type of boundary has a natural barrier like mountains or rivers
- 12. what kind of state is the United States
- 14. what is the acronomyn for the Organization on Security & Cooperation in Europe
- 15. what state slipped from the "powers"