Chapter 8 Quiz

  1. 3. has brought an increasing number of judges of color to the bench in Texas
  2. 5. saves state the time consuming expense of a full blown trial
  3. 6. has recently become helpful in identifying those wrongly accused
  4. 9. helps to maintain order in the court room
  5. 11. how are most Texas judges chosen?
  6. 12. wealthier school districts must share tax revenue with poor districts
  7. 14. jury most people will serve on in criminal cases
  8. 15. A criticism about the Texas judicial system
  1. 1. hears cases on appeal dealing with issues of a fair trial in criminal cases
  2. 2. may serve as the county medical examiner
  3. 4. municipal judges get their jobs by being ___
  4. 6. primary trial court in Texas
  5. 7. two prong system of the Texas Supreme Court
  6. 8. is the only offense that must have a jury trial
  7. 10. jury used to look at evidence and decide if a suspect should be prosecuted
  8. 11. early release from prison
  9. 13. ruling by US Supreme court requiring law enforcement to read suspects their rights