Chapter 8 Section 5- Resolution: The Great Compromise

  1. 3. the place Americans originated from
  2. 6. "grieved, that such a thought had entered his head."
  3. 7. "Is it for men,or for the imaginary beings called states?"
  4. 10. delegates saw William Paterson's plan as offering a little improvement over ____.
  5. 12. the second house
  1. 1. a group that votes on new laws.
  2. 2. "..the small ones will find some foreign ally of more honer and good faith who will take them by hand and do them justice."
  3. 3. The____ was approved and saved at the convention
  4. 4. The debate over representation in _____ Continued into July
  5. 5. The first house
  6. 8. delegate from Connecticut
  7. 9. a person that represents others.
  8. 11. The_____ was received by delegates from small states