Chapter 8 The Skeletal System

  1. 4. this part of the sternum is where the clavicles articulate
  2. 5. this bone is part of the squamous suture, is part of the zygomatic arch, and has the external acoustic meatus
  3. 7. If you were to look at the spine from a side view, what are the openings called when two vertebrae meet?
  4. 11. this bony point on the radius can be palpated on the wrist
  5. 13. bone that forms the heel
  6. 14. this process of the axis is held in place by the transverse ligament of the atlas
  7. 15. this bone of the arm has it's head distal to the body
  8. 18. this bone lines the coronal suture, and has the supraorbital margin and supraorbital foramen
  9. 19. ear shaped regions located on each side of the sacrum
  10. 23. this bone is easily broken because it braces the shoulder
  11. 24. In the vertebrae, what type of facets articulate the vertebrae to ribs?
  12. 25. this joint connects the hip bone to the vertebral column
  13. 29. this bone does not articulate with any other bone
  14. 30. this bony point is what you rest your elbow on a table
  15. 31. rough ridge on the femur that is an attachment point for the gluteus maximus
  1. 1. the scapula articulates with the humerus at this joint
  2. 2. this is the prominant hook on the hamate
  3. 3. this group of vertebrae has a thick body and a blunt spinous process
  4. 6. rough area on the lateral side of the humerus is called this
  5. 8. this bone of the wrist is a sesamoid bone
  6. 9. the hip socket
  7. 10. this part of the rib articulates with the superior costal facet of the vertebrae
  8. 12. this bone holds a sac where tears collect and drain into the nasal cavity
  9. 16. the sphenoid bone has this prominence that houses the pituitary gland
  10. 17. this bone makes up the anterior 2/3 of the hard palate
  11. 18. spare bone tissue of the lower limbs
  12. 20. this is where the temporalis muscle inserts
  13. 21. this part of the rib follows the path of intercostal blood vessels
  14. 22. the foramen magnum is found on this bone
  15. 26. the smooth lateral condyle on the humerus
  16. 27. this group of bones has a forked spinous process and a transverse foramen
  17. 28. the acromion is an extension that articulates with the clavicle and is found on this bone