Chapter 8: Understanding Populations

  1. 2. a relationship between two species in which both species benefit.
  2. 4. a change in the size of a population over a given period of time
  3. 5. When a population becomes infected with something it spreads quickly in a crowded area(Densely packed together) Higher Death rate in Dense populations due to Limited Resources, Predation and Disease
  4. 7. the organism the parasite takes its nourishment from
  5. 8. occurs when each species uses less of the niche than it is capable of using
  6. 9. the species physical use of it's habitat, the environmental factors necessary for species' survival and all of the species interactions with an organism. the unique position occupied by a species
  7. 12. an organism that feeds on another organism.
  8. 13. the maximum number of offspring each member of a population can have
  9. 15. a relationship in which two species live in close association with each other
  10. 16. the fastest rate a species' population can grow
  11. 19. the average time it takes a member of the population to reach the age when it reproduces.
  12. 20. a certain proportion of the population dies regardless of the populations' density; affects all members in a uniform way, Severe Weather and Natural Disasters are examples of these types of events
  13. 23. a close relationship between two species in which each species provides a benefit to the other
  14. 25. an area defended by one or more individuals against other individuals
  15. 27. the relationship between two species in which both species attempt to use the same limited resource such that both are negatively affected by the relationship
  16. 30. the organism that the predator hunts.
  17. 31. a type of barnacle found only in the upper level of the zone when competition is present; otherwise it is found at deeper levels
  18. 32. the pattern of distribution or arrangement of its individuals within a given amount of space
  1. 1. the largest population that an ecosystem can support
  2. 3. a particular natural resource, that when limited, determines the carrying capacity of an ecosystem for a particular species
  3. 6. the interaction between predator and prey.
  4. 10. a relationship between two species in which one species benefits from the other species, and the other species is harmed
  5. 11. an interaction between two organisms in which one organism kills and feeds on the other organism
  6. 14. the location where an organism lives.
  7. 17. species in close relationships evolve adaptations that reduce the harm or improve the benefit of the relationship
  8. 18. the number of individuals of the same species that live in a given unit of area
  9. 21. when members of different species use some of the same resources.
  10. 22. Increase in number or size, at a constantly growing rate; Populations grow faster and faster
  11. 24. a relationship between two organisms in which one organism benefits and the other is unaffected
  12. 26. a relationship in which one species benefits and the other species is neither harmed nor helped
  13. 28. all the members of a species that live in the same place at the same time
  14. 29. an organism that lives in or on another organism and feeds on it