Chapter 8 Vocab

  1. 1. murder of a public figure by surprise attack
  2. 3. an international assembly of nations to settle disputes between countries and encourage democracy
  3. 5. countries join forces or work together to achieve a goal
  4. 7. defending a position by fighting from within deep ditches
  5. 8. alliance between Japan, France, Russia, Italy, and Great Britain (JF RIB)
  6. 16. established the draft of men between the ages of 21 and 30 in 1917
  7. 18. President Wilson’s plan for peace and the end of World War I
  8. 20. strong sense of pride and loyalty to one’s nation
  9. 21. secret note in which Germany promised to give Mexico parts of the United States if Mexico would form an alliance with Germany against the United States
  10. 22. German submarines used to attack Allied and neutral ships
  11. 23. overthrew the Russian government to set up communism, which led to Russia’s withdrawal from World War I
  12. 24. US President during World War I
  13. 25. “flu;” killed more people worldwide than World War I combat
  1. 2. a final peace settlement of World War I
  2. 4. a wartime vegetable garden developed to increase food production especially by home gardeners
  3. 6. alliance between Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Ottoman Empire (AH GOE)
  4. 9. the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary who was assassinated in 1914
  5. 10. truce
  6. 11. aggressive build up of armed forces
  7. 12. situation in which neither side can win a clear victory
  8. 13. building an empire by founding colonies or conquering other nations
  9. 14. British passenger ship that was attacked by a German U-boat, killing 128 Americans
  10. 15. bonds issued to raise billions of dollars for the Allies’ war efforts
  11. 17. payments for war damages
  12. 19. unbiased; not favoring either side in a conflict