Chapter 8 Vocab

  1. 7. the term for repeated criminal behavior.
  2. 9. views deviance as a natural outgrowth of the values norms and structure of society.
  3. 10. proposing that through interaction with others individuals learn the values attitudes techniques and motives for criminal behavior.
  4. 11. offenses committed by higher social ranked individuals in their professional lives.
  5. 12. the situation that arises when norms of society are unclear or no longer acceptable.
  6. 13. the focuses on how people become identified as deviant.
  7. 15. theory that subject defiance is a learned behavior through interaction with others.
  8. 17. the process of legal negotiation that allows an accused person to plea guilty to a lesser charge in return for a lighter sentence.
  9. 19. explains defiance as a natural occurrence.
  10. 20. a practice assuming a person of different race is likely to commit crime then another race of people.
  1. 1. one that is labeled defiant and accepts the label as true.
  2. 2. people suspend their moral beliefs to commit deviant acts.
  3. 3. behavior that violates significant social norms.
  4. 4. the power of an officer to decide who is actually arrested.
  5. 5. a large scale organization of professional criminals that control some vise or business.
  6. 6. a kind of public setting -like a trial- that the individual is denounced and found guilty where their given the new label of deviant.
  7. 8. social scientists whom study criminal behavior.
  8. 14. nonconformity that goes undetected by those in authority.
  9. 16. a mark of social disgrace that sets a deviant apart from the rest of society.
  10. 18. an act labeled by authority as prohibited by law.