Chapter 8: vocabulary

  1. 4. the clusters of concepts each person develops through experience
  2. 5. Clues. help students recognize words that are familiar in speech but not in print
  3. 6. provide a basis for building word knowledge
  4. 8. words with the same identical spelling
  5. 10. the origin and history of words
  6. 12. Vocabulary. words whose meanings are specific to the content areas
  1. 1. words with the same or similar meaning
  2. 2. maps diagrams that show how words are connected in meaning to each other
  3. 3. substitution of a less offensive word or phrase for an unpleasant term or expression.
  4. 6. a word or phrase that restates or identifies the word expression it follows
  5. 7. words with opposite meaning.
  6. 9. Sort. classifying words into categories to learn more about word meanings
  7. 11. Vocabulary the set of words for which meanings are understood