Chapter 8/9

  1. 2. of a facility where patients ask for individuals by name
  2. 3. activities that raise money for an institution
  3. 4. a type of public law
  4. 5. how health information is disseminated outside of the organization
  5. 6. a type of law that is non criminal
  6. 9. pretrial process and a time period where parties of a lawsuit use various strategies to discover or obtain information about a case
  7. 10. a notification required when private information is unlawfully disclosed
  8. 11. a communication about a product or service that encourages the recipient to purchase or use that product or service
  9. 14. a legal doctrine that means that the federal law may supersede state law
  10. 15. a law where the government is a party against the accused who has been charged with violating a criminal statute
  11. 17. what type of court/ who is overall responsible to hear the case
  12. 19. a law that defines the amount and type of power and authority governments are given
  1. 1. a type of information that does not identify an individual
  2. 6. outlines a defendant's alleged wrong doing
  3. 7. how a healthcare organization avails itself of health information infernally
  4. 8. granted by the court when the defendant fails to answer the complaint or take other action
  5. 12. an alternative dispute solution where parties agree to submit a dispute to a third party to decide
  6. 13. obtains the parties and other witnesses out of court testimony under oath
  7. 16. a type of behavioral notes that document mental health professionals impressions from a private counseling session
  8. 18. the person subject of the PHI