chapter 9 and 10

  1. 5. japan did not participate in world affairs for more than two hundred years, going so far as to bar foreigners from entering the country
  2. 6. several countries working together to solve a problem
  3. 8. established in 1948 as an agency of the United Nations
  4. 9. sending aid to people to reduce suffering in the wake of natural disasters, disease, war and other conflict
  5. 10. people are motivated to find work through learning a trade or higher education in hopes of achieving this (two words)
  6. 12. internationalism can be practiced through non-governmental organizations
  1. 1. a country acting on a situation on their own
  2. 2. a mutually beneficial agreement between two countries (ex: Canada-United states Air Quality Agreement)
  3. 3. a group of representatives who work together to promote sustainable development and protecting the regions fragile environment
  4. 4. you can make your own decisions about friends, relationships, education, work and how to spend their free time
  5. 6. last name of a psychologist who believed that safety and security is the second most important human need
  6. 7. a country in Africa that peacefully achieved independence in 1966, becoming a parliamentary republic
  7. 10. an example of supranationalism
  8. 11. a Canadian example of security for the benefit of its citizens.