Chapter 9 Key Terms

  1. 7. Nongenetic consequences of radiation exposure that appear months or years afterward
  2. 8. The point at which a response or reaction to an increasing stimulation first occurs
  3. 12. Mutational or randomly occurring biologic changes, independent of dose, in which the chance of occurrence of the effect rather that the severity of the effect is proportional to the dose of ionizing radiation
  4. 13. The radiation dose that causes the number of spontaneous mutations occurring in a given generation to increase to two times their original number
  5. 16. Model predicting that the number of excess cancers will increase as the natural incidence of cancer increases with advancing age in a population
  6. 18. Demonstrated graphically through a curve that maps the observed effects of radiation exposure in relation to the dose of radiation received
  1. 1. The production or origin on cataracts
  2. 2. A nonstraightline model used to calculate the occurrence of cancer by extrapolating from information associated with high levels of radiation to determine the risk associated with low doses
  3. 3. Model predicting that a specific number of excess cancers will occur as a result of exposure to ionizing radiation
  4. 4. An extrapolated graph which implies that the chance of a biologic response to ionizing radiation is directly proportional to the dose received no matter how low the dose is
  5. 5. Biologic effects of ionizing radiation on future generations due to irradiation of germ cells in previous generations
  6. 6. Generally employed in radiation therapy to demonstrate high-dose cellular response
  7. 9. Science that deals with the incidence, distribution, and control of disease in a population
  8. 10. A radiation absorbed dose of any magnitude has the capability of producing a biologic effect
  9. 11. Late effects that do not have a threshold, that occur in an arbitrary or probabilistic manner, whos severity does not depend on dose, and that occur months or years after high level and possibly even after low level radiation exposure
  10. 14. Damage to an organism that occurs as a result of exposure to some agent during the embryonic stage of development
  11. 15. The production or origin of cancer
  12. 17. Period of gestation that corresponds to approximately 10 days to 12 weeks after conception