Chapter 9: Rizal's Grand Tour of Europe with Viola (1887)

  1. 3. From geneva rizal went here
  2. 5. Now decin, Czechoslovakia
  3. 8. who's with rizal on his grand tour of Europe
  4. 9. A city near Berlin, which Frederick the great made famous
  5. 11. An eminent naturalist
  6. 13. Capital of austria-hungary
  7. 14. Viola left Vienna on a river boat to see the beautiful sigh of the _____ river
  8. 17. One of the oldest cities in Germany
  9. 21. Who asked Rizal how long it took him to learn German
  1. 1. Capital of christendom
  2. 2. overjoyed to see Rizal and Viola
  3. 4. Rizal met another renowned scientist of Europe
  4. 6. The one they met while strolling at the scene of the Floral exposition
  5. 7. "more hygienic and economical than cloth _____"
  6. 10. One of the two good friends of blumentritt
  7. 12. Now Litomerice, Czechoslovakia
  8. 15. After saying goodbye to professor wilkomm and his family,they went here
  9. 16. After leitmeritz, Rizal and Viola visited this city
  10. 18. Switzerland
  11. 19. Called Doara or Dorita by Rizal
  12. 20. on what hotel did Rizal forgot his diamond stickpin