Chapter 9- Will Broadway

  1. 2. whales toothless whales
  2. 4. internal air sacs that allow absorption of oxygen directly from the air
  3. 5. flightless, with wings modified into stubby "flippers"that allow them to "fly" underwater
  4. 9. a membrane that connects it to the womb
  5. 13. giving birth to live young
  6. 14. semiaquatic animals that spend a good part of their lives on drifting ice in the Arctic
  7. 15. glands get rid of excess salts
  8. 17. organisms that lose metabolic heat to the environment without it affecting their body temperature
  9. 21. organisms that retain some metabolic heat, which raises their body temperature
  10. 22. birds have narrow wings and a long, forked tail
  11. 24. a complex nucleic acid that contains a cells genetic information
  1. 1. large pinniped with a pair of distinctive tusks protruding down from the mouth
  2. 2. on top of the head, forming a single or double opening
  3. 3. organisms able to keep their body temperature more or less constant regardless of the temperature of the environment
  4. 6. four-footed
  5. 7. must keep themselves moist, most lay their eggs in water
  6. 8. comprise a large group of seabirds with distinctive tube-like nostrils and heavy beaks that are usually curved at the tip
  7. 10. have a unique pouch below their large beaks
  8. 11. planktonic, shrimp-like crustaceans
  9. 12. different species develop similar structures because they have similar lifestyles
  10. 16. graceful flyers that hover over their prey before plunging for it
  11. 18. black, long-necked seabirds that dive and pursue their prey
  12. 19. smallest marine mammal
  13. 20. snakes their bodies are laterally flattened, and the tail paddle-shaped for swimming
  14. 23. particularly thick in dry coastal regions and islands near very productive waters