Chapter 9 World War 2

  1. 2. when a government aims to control the lives of it's citizens
  2. 4. an observation made by Werner Heisenberg that questioned the laws of physica
  3. 7. a type of art that united function, technology, and craft
  4. 8. a fascist ruler in Germany
  5. 9. an important force in Germany based on terror and ideology
  6. 10. glorifying the state above it's people
  7. 11. the man who led the SS and set up the secret police forces
  8. 12. a new economic policy that saved the Soviet Union from complete economic disaster
  9. 13. a type of art that sought reality beyond the material world
  10. 15. a communist whose plan was to industrialize the Soviet Union
  1. 1. a treaty that the French demanded the Germans to follow to prevent future attacks
  2. 3. created the first fascist state in Italy
  3. 5. prison camps where people who opposed the new regime in Germany were sent
  4. 6. a peace settlement created by Woodrow Wilson to make peace after the war
  5. 14. the man who started the New Economic Policy