chapter one

  1. 5. projection minimizes all four types of distortion
  2. 8. theme of geography deals with physical characteristics such as mountains and rivers
  3. 9. lines measuring distance north & south of the equator
  4. 11. what imaginary lines run north and south
  5. 12. groups, any grouping of people who share common characteristics
  6. 13. basis of all longitudinal measurements
  7. 15. pleasing of one or more senses
  8. 17. which cylindrical projection minimizes the distortion of area and shape
  9. 21. map, when you give someone verbal instructions to go to a certain location, what does that person form
  10. 23. imaginary line divides the earth into Northern & Southern Hemispheres
  11. 24. what does the human response to God & His revelation define
  12. 25. the main problem with any flat map
  13. 26. environment when people exercise good & wise dominion over the earth what theme of culture are they addressing
  14. 27. which map is Mose useful for showing wide regions
  15. 28. what was the first important cylindrical map projection
  16. 29. circle, what do the 180 degrees and prime meridian form
  17. 31. what is the other branch of geography besides human?
  1. 1. feature explains the various symbols on a map
  2. 2. what theme of geography is defined by formal boundaries or functions
  3. 3. the view that all cultures are equally good and that each culture has its own truths & values
  4. 4. what are the twelve strips that cover a globe
  5. 6. elements of culture that develop around rules, designs, and structure
  6. 7. the mapmaker whose system is still used today
  7. 10. basic tool of geography
  8. 14. any method used to show the earth's round surface on a flat map
  9. 16. lines that separate colors on a relief map
  10. 18. part of a map indicates the ratio of distance not eh map to actual distance
  11. 19. in addition to a map, most of the visual info about geography appears in what form?
  12. 20. what theme of geography is described as either absolute or relative to one's environment
  13. 22. imaginary lines run east & west around the earth
  14. 27. rose, map feature showing the orientation of the map
  15. 30. what term refers to the height and depth of land features in relation to surrounding land
  16. 32. system of customs, traditions, & habits that a group of people uses to make something of their world