Chapter One

  1. 1. / beliefs and feelings
  2. 2. heritage/ history within a culture passed down by families
  3. 4. / principles of right or wrong you live by
  4. 5. / everything about the way a group of people live
  5. 6. / purposes
  6. 7. / the way you feel about your self
  7. 9. / thinking your culture is the best or most worthy
  8. 10. / uneasiness when exposed to new culture
  9. 13. / power; force
  10. 15. / a culture within a larger culture
  11. 17. / roll model; someone to follow after
  12. 18. / people who share common traits, customs or culture
  13. 19. / characteristics
  1. 1. / set values you have
  2. 3. / an approach to solving a disagreement
  3. 8. / passing everything you've learned to the next generation
  4. 11. / view of self
  5. 12. / to gain knowledge
  6. 14. / feelings
  7. 16. / losing aspects of old culture
  8. 20. support / help meeting emotional needs