Chapter Puzzle

  1. 4. the twin planet of the earth
  2. 5. when gas cools and it molecules stick together
  3. 8. a swarm of ice bodies
  4. 10. distant worlds out of our solar system
  5. 12. celestial bodies in kupier belt
  6. 13. the name of an asteroid belt
  7. 14. gigantic gas body in our system
  8. 16. large balls of ice shooting across space
  9. 18. a large whip of energy from the sun
  10. 19. planet named after the roman harvest god
  11. 20. large chunks of space rock formed into a body
  12. 23. planet with a big red spot
  13. 24. small particles in space
  14. 25. grains of a fallen meteor
  1. 1. a streak following a comet
  2. 2. debris of dust and gas around a planet
  3. 3. an enormous amount of space gas
  4. 6. building blocks of planets
  5. 7. tiny grains clumped together to move super fast
  6. 9. when meteors come from the same direction
  7. 11. the outermost planet in our system
  8. 15. planets not big enough to be planets
  9. 17. chunks of space rock shooting down towards earth
  10. 21. the effect of which keeps gasses in
  11. 22. empty regions in asteroid belts