Chapter Three Expanding the Concepts of Crime

  1. 2. holds that behavior cannot be criminal if no law exists
  2. 6. used to determine factual causality
  3. 9. another aspect of due process which refers to a statute defining a crime that is so unclear that a reasonable person of at least average intelligence
  4. 11. relationship between the men's rea, act
  5. 12. circumstances refer to the “facts surrounding an event
  6. 13. cause holds individuals criminally liable for causing harm when it can be shown that the harm
  7. 14. individuals may not Be tried a second time for the same offense
  8. 15. legislative act punishing a person or a select group of people without the benefit of a judicial trial
  1. 1. circumstances are not elements of an offense.
  2. 3. unlawful act is punishable by a state or other authority.
  3. 4. is a type of criminal law violation in which parties to the crime willfully participate
  4. 5. defining crimes may specify that additional elements be present for a conviction to be obtained.
  5. 7. One that makes an action done before the passing of the law criminal and punishes such action
  6. 8. surrounding a crime can also be classified as aggravating or mitigating and may, by law, be used to lessen or increase the penalty
  7. 10. some identifiable harm as an activity
  8. 11. code of crime