Chapters 1-4

  1. 1. individuals weave together information to explain the world
  2. 4. one's personality and behavior are influenced by social development
  3. 6. conflicts caused by misinterpretations and information
  4. 7. goals regarding the expression of self-worth, pride, or self-respect
  5. 11. issues that have potential for conflict not yet perceived
  6. 13. a theory that models outcomes of choices by players
  7. 14. claiming credit for solutions depleting value that previously existed
  8. 17. an individualized reaction to a word derived from experience
  9. 19. one party's desired means of how a negotiation should proceed
  10. 20. the event that precipitates a conflict episode
  11. 21. an interaction theory advance by Delia and others
  12. 22. a demand or proposed solution
  13. 23. an overreaching set of beliefs about the world and one's place in
  14. 26. one thing or person requires another to meet goals
  15. 27. one person's preference for type or depth of connection to another
  16. 29. one's view of oneself
  17. 31. the general conversation area in which a conflict may be imbedded
  18. 32. a tendency to defend one's position from a competitive stance
  19. 33. communications about communicaiton
  20. 34. critical moment during interaction when one choice sets the tone
  21. 36. goals held by individuals at the beginning of a conflict
  22. 38. tentative explanations for observed behaviors
  1. 1. goals around tangible resources
  2. 2. a word, gesture, or picture that stands for something else
  3. 3. cooperative win-win interest-based bargaining
  4. 5. a tactic in response to conflict not to engage
  5. 8. using decision making process to create outcomes with benefit to all
  6. 9. a relatively stable set of preceptions about oneself
  7. 10. the public or private image one holds
  8. 12. a theory that holds one's personality and behavior are influenced by biology
  9. 13. the end or desired condition
  10. 15. submission during conflict
  11. 16. the literal dictionary definition of a word
  12. 18. assumes a behavior was caused by factors inherent to the person
  13. 24. the allocated resources left will ultimately reach zero
  14. 25. reasons that support an assertion or claim
  15. 28. a theory that highlights the complex nature of life
  16. 30. deeply seated core ideas about right and wrong
  17. 35. a theory developed by Lewin
  18. 37. a need that drives a goal