Chapters 1 and 2

  1. 3. making a specific conclusion based on a general assumption
  2. 5. an idea that is accepted as true without proof
  3. 6. starts with the identification of either a problem focused trigger or knowledge focused trigger
  4. 8. a trial run of an EBP protocol in the clinical setting
  5. 9. based on systematic reviews and expert consensus to provide clinicians with recommendations on specific circumstances
  6. 11. review of literature on a topic using an established method to synthesize the results and summarize the best available research
  7. 14. using knowledge gained from research studies to persuade others, such as those in a position to make changes to nursing policy
  8. 16. research performed in a lab looking at the cellular and molecular aspects of disease
  9. 17. a systematic investigation to answer questions and increase knowledge
  10. 18. investigation on how to convert study findings into nursing practice
  11. 19. analyzes data from multiple qualitative studies
  1. 1. statistically combines and analyzes the findings of multiple studies on the same topic
  2. 2. ranking of evidence sources based on the strength of the evidence with the best evidence being placed at the top
  3. 4. produces numerical data that can be analyzed using statistical methods
  4. 7. using the best evidence to make decisions about patient care
  5. 9. a set of interventions that improve patient outcomes when used together
  6. 10. making a generalization based on a specific situation
  7. 12. an example of this type of research is a case study, which produces narrative and subjective information
  8. 13. when qualitative and quantitative data are combined and synthesized
  9. 15. using knowledge gained from research studies to change nursing practice