chapters 10,11,12

  1. 3. a tube shaped sac attached to lower end of intestine
  2. 5. the passage of blood cells through the intact walls of capillaries
  3. 12. the colorless fluid part of blood
  4. 13. the tip of pyramidal lung or heart
  5. 15. a condition marked by severe chest pain
  6. 16. the phase of heartbeat when muscle relaxes
  7. 17. possessed by a group that is present in an individual prior to exposure to pathogen
  8. 18. carries deoxygenated blood away from heart
  9. 19. a protein released in response to entry of virus
  10. 21. a basophilic white blood cell
  11. 22. a sound due to vibrations from blood flow
  12. 25. a compound released by cells in response to injury
  13. 27. term for heart attack
  14. 29. another term for platelets
  15. 31. a malignant disease with increase number of immature or abnormal leukocytes
  16. 33. The familiar red fluid in the body that contains white and red blood cells
  17. 35. a white blood cell with secretory granules in cytoplasm
  18. 36. most time carrying oxygen depleted blood
  19. 39. a reaction in which particles suspended in a liquid collect into clumps
  20. 40. the amount of blood the heart pumps
  21. 42. of muscle tissue found only in heart
  22. 44. heightened blood pressure
  23. 46. the mucosa associated lymphoid tissue
  24. 47. deficiency of red blood cells
  25. 50. a colorless fluid containing white blood cells
  26. 51. the largest organ that filters blood
  27. 53. a large white blood cell with simple oval nucleus
  28. 54. increase in number of white blood cells
  29. 55. 2 upper cavities of the heart
  30. 58. a record or display of heart beat
  31. 62. a partition separating two chambers of heart
  32. 63. production of red blood cells
  33. 67. either of two small masses of tissue in the throat
  34. 68. the membrane enclosing the heart
  35. 70. number of beats per minute
  36. 72. aspect of immunity that is mediated by macromolecules
  37. 75. blood changing to a semi solid state
  38. 76. obstruction of artery
  39. 77. an insoluble protein formed from fibrinogen during clotting
  40. 78. neutrophilic white blood cell
  41. 79. small body of specialized muscle in the wall of right atrium
  42. 80. a white blood cell containing granules
  43. 81. the thin, smooth membrane the lines the inside of the chambers of the heart
  1. 1. fine branching blood vessels
  2. 2. a very small vein
  3. 4. any of the numerous large oval patches
  4. 6. a serous membrane the forms the innermost layer of the pericardium
  5. 7. deficiency of platelets in blood
  6. 8. stopping of flow of blood
  7. 9. carries oxygenated blood away from heart
  8. 10. a medical condition in which ability of blood to clot is reduced
  9. 11. white blood cells with a one-lobed nucleus.
  10. 12. the short term immunity from introduction of antibodies
  11. 14. group of specialized CARDIAC muscle cells
  12. 15. the immunity that results from production of antibodies
  13. 20. a soluble protein present in blood plasma
  14. 23. a valve in the heart through which blood flows from atria to ventricles
  15. 24. a hallow part or cavity of an organ
  16. 26. the muscular tissue of the heart
  17. 28. heart strings
  18. 30. volume of blood pumped from left ventricle
  19. 32. body given immunity to disease by exposure to small doses
  20. 34. blood clot formed in situ within vascular system
  21. 37. the phase of heartbeat when muscle contracts
  22. 38. a type of white blood cells, core adaptive of immune system
  23. 41. a blood protein produced in response to antigen
  24. 43. muscle located in ventricles of heart connected to heart strings
  25. 45. immune response the does not involve antibodies
  26. 48. any muscular walled tubes by which blood passes
  27. 49. nonspecific resistance that destroys invaders
  28. 52. an abnormal increased concentration of hemoglobin
  29. 56. any lymphocyte that develop into plasma cells
  30. 57. skin, tears, stomach acid
  31. 59. red blood cell that is typically a biconcave disc without a nucleus
  32. 60. pressure of the blood
  33. 61. a form of small leukocyte with single round nucleus
  34. 64. a red protein that transports oxygen in blood
  35. 65. each of a pair of valves in heart
  36. 66. the formation of blood
  37. 69. a bacterium, virus or other microorganism that can cause disease
  38. 71. a ductless gland that produces t cells
  39. 73. a colorless cell that circulates in the blood and body fluids
  40. 74. a toxin or foreign substance