Chapters 14-15 Cloze Crossword

  1. 2. When Rosa Parks refused to sit in the back of a bus, that was an example of _________.
  2. 3. Twenty Years ago, people thought that earth now would be a perfect _________.
  3. 4. There was a ________ movement to control how much Schoology people have.
  4. 7. She enjoyed music and singing, especially ________.
  5. 9. The nativist was not welcoming the immigrants.
  6. 12. People used to communicate through a _________.
  7. 13. She attended a religious ______ at a church.
  1. 1. To try and control slaves from escaping, white southerners created ________.
  2. 4. Seeing god and beauty in nature is similar to transcendentalism.
  3. 5. Harriet Tubman was a famous _________ who helped people and led them to freedom.
  4. 6. My school had a _______ night where we all came to the school and celebrated books.
  5. 8. Work forces wanted to have equal pay no matter what happened in their job, so they started a _______.
  6. 10. My immigrants from Ireland came to America because of the Great patato ________ in Ireland.
  7. 11. The girl who wanted to be a teacher went to one of the ________.